Changes Related to Social Security and Employment Relations for 2024

  • Minimum Wage: 933 BGN
  • Minimum Social Security Income for Self-Employed Individuals: 933 BGN
  • Maximum Monthly Social Security Income: 3750 BGN
  • Daily Maximum Unemployment Benefit: 107.14 BGN
  • Change in Sick Leave Payment by Employer: The first two working days are paid by the employer at 70% of the average daily gross wage, and the remaining days are paid by the Social Security Fund.
  • Unpaid Leave: An 8% health insurance contribution is due on 466.50 BGN, i.e., 37.32 BGN per month
  • Temporary Incapacity Due to Illness, Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Childcare: A 4.8% health insurance contribution is due from the employer on 933.00 BGN, i.e., 44.78 BGN per month
  • Health Insurance Contribution for Unemployed Individuals: 37.32 BGN per month
  • New Category of Insured Individuals: Individuals engaged in the collection of wild mushrooms and fruits. These individuals are insured entirely at their own expense on a social security income equal to ½ of the national minimum wage and do not determine the final amount of the social security income from the realized income from this activity.
  • Salary Payment: Upon written request from the employee, the salary can be transferred to their payment account. If the payment account is abroad, the fees for the money transfer are at the employee’s expense.
  • From 01.07.2024, the employer may, at their discretion, revoke the dismissal order before the employee files a claim with the court. After the claim has been filed and until the court decision is finalized, the employer can revoke the dismissal order with the written consent of the employee.

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